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Trade CFDs Online at Xtrade

Our powerful and innovative trading platform offers you competitive spreads and margins on our extensive range of CFD instruments.

Share CFD Trading with Xtrade

Get the edge with a fully flexible, specialised service.

Take the opportunities of trading shares. Take advantage of market opportunities, with only a margin deposit on the actual shares.

When trading you invest in the expectation that the price is going to rise or fall. You do not buy or sell the actual shares.

Start Trading in Stocks

Start trading shares on the largest global markets: USA, Germany, Spain, France and more. To view our fees, please Click Here.

Trade shares with Confidence!

Predefine your profit and losses. Set automated limits on your trades. Use the Xtrade platform tools to automatically close your positions when the set price has been reached.

Open a Live Account - Quickly and Easily

It takes less than 2 minutes to open an account with Xtrade. Use Credit Card or Bank Transfer to fund your account.

List of Shares

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Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss. Trading FX/CFDs involves a significant level of risk and you may lose all of your invested capital. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved.